Ohaaki Wetland Project Update

Tuesday, 01 November 2011

Since the last update, the construction of the bund, islands and peninsulas has been completed and the wetland has filled with water. Riparian and emergent vegetation has quickly re-established which has provided a habitat for many species of waterfowl. These progressions are helping to achieve many of the project’s original objectives.

Additional fencing has been put up to ensure there is no encroachment of cattle onto the wetland and planted areas. Approximately 22,500 native plants have been planted, with 2000 of these for cultural harvest. Maimais are due to be constructed in February 2012. There is also the possibility that the site could be used for elver transfer and growth before being released into the Waikato River.  

Apart from a small seep under the bund in November 2010 which has since been repaired, the wetland has been successful.  Waikato River Iwi are keenly looking at the Ohaaki Wetland as a success story to encourage other restoration works on and adjacent to the Waikato River.

An official public opening of the wetland is proposed for September 2012.

Photo 1.  Aerial photo (Aug 2011) of the Ohaaki Wetland, exhibiting proposed maimai sites, public viewing hide and walking track.