Project Update on Brad Marsh Wetland Restoration

Thursday, 02 February 2017

Project Plan:

To convert approximately 0.8 hectare of grazing land to high quality wetland. A small dam will be created at the bottom of a wet gully. The site will be fully fenced and planted with appropriate species to provide both food and nesting habitat for waterfowl. A control structure will be instated in order to facilitate water manipulation.

Project Update:

This project is largely complete, with only some further planting and ongoing weed control required. The landowner has been busy removing the last pieces of glyceria from the wetland and planting a large number of carex grasses around the wetland fringe.

Landowner Update:

The wetland is starting to look really good since it was developed in March this year. We have consistent visits from numerous waterfowl, herons, tuis, kereru. New fencing is complete for the entire perimeter for stock exclusion. With the help of the family we have planted approximately 700 plants so far. A mixture of carex grasses, flaxes and native trees. Maintenance for planting, spraying and pest control will be ongoing. It has also helped with water quality downstream due to a small creek that has been developed at the back of the wetland. The neighbour is very happy that an old dried up waterfall system is now flowing again. Many thanks to you and WCEET for your help with this project.

